New European Metrology Network for Advanced Manufacturing
EURAMET – the European Association of National Metrology Institutes – launched a new European Metrology Network (EMN) on Advanced Manufacturing: The new EMN AdvanceManu was approved by the EURAMET General Assembly on the 7th June 2021.
Harald Bosse, acting chair of the new network comments:
“We were very satisfied with the good participation and high interest of stakeholders in this introductory meeting of the EMN for Advanced Manufacturing, which has been organised soon after the new EMN was formally approved. We were keen to use the impetus of the recent EMN approval by EURAMET to set up this meeting and inform about the current state of the network and next steps.”
The work within the EMN for Advanced Manufacturing will focus on metrology needs and challenges along the whole manufacturing chain and it will be organised in three main sections:
- Advanced Materials
- Smart Manufacturing Systems and
- Manufactured Components and Products.
The meeting documents can be found on the event page Introductory Meeting of EMN Advanced Manufacturing.
For more information on the new network, please visit the website of EMN AdvanceManu.
Written by: Steffi Friedrichs (AcumenIST; Coordinator of NanoFabNet)