CnM WORKSHOP « Standardization in extracellular vesicles metrology »
4, Place Jussieu – 75005 Paris Tower 32-42, 1st floor, room 101In the framework of the French national public/private network in nanometrology, CnM (Club nanoMétrologie)(1), Céline ELIE-CAILLE organizes aworkshop on “Standardization in extracellular vesicles metrology” on Friday, June 25th in Paris (France). Céline is associate professor at Bourgogne FrancheComté University in FEMTO-ST Institute (CNRS, UBFC) whose research lies at the
crossroad between several topics related to Extracellular Vesicles (EVs) analytics (nanobiosciences, biosensing, microfluidics). She recently created a new
workgroup in the CnM to address issues on EVs characterization and metrology.