Stakeholder Spotlight – Atrago

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Tell us a little about your organisation. How do the areas of nanotechnology and sustainability impact your work?

We develop graphene MEMS-based displays for AR/VR/HUD and other imaging systems.

What is the newest/most innovative development in nanotechnology that you and/or your organisation is excited about now?

Nanoimprint lithography and novel thin-film characterisation.

What, in your opinion, is the most important thing (tool, process, support, etc.) that is needed right now to help grow and strengthen the nanotechnology community?

Standardisation of graphene and other 2D materials, and finding affordable and effective systems for inspection and quality control. For the general nanotech field, a leading nanotech company that truly and exclusively provide nanotechnology solutions (e.g., multidisciplinary, nanoscale-dedicated; not just some branch of a chemical or electronics company).

What, in your opinion, are important factors or influences that will affect the direction of the nanotechnology community in the future?

Nanotechnology research needs to continue and be financially supported, preferably without themes (now the buzzword is ‘quantum’, tomorrow would be something else, and these discontinuities may delay the overall progress in the sector). The development and commercialisation also require some form of sustained support that cannot be affected by research trends and would benefit from having the know-how and key parts of the value chain in a central location/area (contrary to the wishful thinking about their geographic distribution).

Interviewee person: Dr Santiago J. Cartamil Bueno (Manging Director at Atrago in Cologne, Germany) – For more information, please contact: